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The Importance of a Properly Priced Business:

Fair Market Value is the Key

Is it important to properly price a business for sale?

Absolutely!  Proper pricing is one of the most important factors in determining whether a business will sell or not.  Proper pricing accounts for the true economic performance of the business, which allows the seller to fully benefit from the sale, while not overpricing the business, which will ensure that real buyers are able to benefit fairly.  Proper pricing of a business for sale is achieved by working with professional business brokers and third-party valuation firms.

What is the importance of a third-party valuation?

It's simple.  Buyers are skeptical about the information that business owners provide.  Buyers are also skeptical of information provided by brokers.  This skepticism is healthy and natural.  To help minimize the buyer's concerns and to reduce the concern about conflicting interests of brokers, third-party firms have stepped in to provide a more objective analysis of the business.

How can you properly price a business for sale?

There are many ways to price a business.  The most appropriate way to price a business is to employ a justification for purchase price test.  This method provides the buyer and seller an objective standard to determine the reasonableness of the suggested purchase price.  In short, if the buyer can receive a fair return on investment for the amount paid as a down payment, then the business is priced fairly.  BBN Affiliate Brokers are trained to help buyers and sellers understand how the proper price provides a fair return on investment.

Can I find a third-party company to price my business?

Business owners should employ professionals to assist in a business valuationNo one knows more about a business than the owner.  Similarly, BBN Affiliate Brokers are trained to assist business owners with "recasting" the financial statements of the business.  This "recasting" is critical to uncovering hidden expenses that cover up the true economic performance of the business.  BBN Affiliate Brokers are professionally trained to help owners recast their financial statements.

Who can help me work with a third-party company to price my business?

Competent business brokers ordinarily have professional relationships with third-party valuation firms.  In addition, business brokers often have certification of continuing education that qualifies them to help you "recast" your financial statements to find some of the hidden items that can reflect the true economic performance of a business.  BBN Affiliate Brokers work with valuation firms and most are certified to help you "recast" your financial statements.

Does it cost a lot to have my business valued by a third-party company?

The short answer is no.  It is important to understand that there often are costs that must be incurred to prepare a business for sale.  The number one cost is a third-party valuation.  Many brokers can get preferred pricing because of good relationships with valuation firms, but the valuation firms charge brokers for the service.  This cost is passed along to the business owner as a part of the cost of preparing the business for sale. 

While it is impossible to say exactly how much it will cost any given business, business owners should be wary of companies that charge tens of thousands of dollars to value their business.   Also, be wary of companies that rely heavily on projections.  Competent brokers know that buyers buy on the historical performance, not what might happen in the future.

What is the difference between "Book Value" and "Fair Market Value" of a business?

The "Book Value" of a business is an accounting view of the value of the assets of the business.  "Book Value" is not an accurate economic perspective.  It considers arbitrary deductions from the value of items owned in the business.  Therefore, "Book Value" only considers the skewed accounting view of the value of the assets and does not consider the income that the assets generate.

The "Fair Market Value" considers the true economic value of the assets.  There are a number of ways to arrive at the true economic value and most professionals employ several techniques.  "Fair Market Value" also considers the fact that some assets generate income for the business.  Therefore, "Fair Market Value" is what buyers consider, what banks lend on and what sellers can expect to be paid for.

Why is financing an important part of the sale of most businesses?

Whether a Commercial Lender, i.e. bank, or Seller Financing, i.e. the owner finances the sale, a portion of the sales price of virtually all businesses is financed.   There is a simple reason for this.  Buyers want to invest the money they have wisely.  If they can leverage their cash and finance a portion of the sales price, the Buyer will be able to acquire a bigger business with more cash flow.  So, Sellers should understand that Buyers want to optimize their investment and financing permits that to happen.

What documents do banks want to "pre-approve" a business for a loan for sale?

 Most banks look for three years worth of financial statements and business tax returns, as well as interim financial statements, and a third-party valuation.  BBN.Affiliates.assist business owners in obtaining third-party valuations.

What documents do banks want to "pre-qualify" a buyer for a loan to buy a business?

Most banks ask for three years worth of personal tax returns, personal financial statements, and a resume of the buyer in addition to a third-party valuation of the prospective business for acquisition.

Conducting a business valuation is the first step in the sale of your business.


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